Adult Services
Health and Wellbeing Projects
Here are some of the projects we have been involved in the last two years:
Men's Football Session
We run three weekly Men's football physical activity sessions for men. Currently we have over 45 participants who regularly attend our sessions every week.
Women's Swimming Session
We run three weekly women's swimming sessions at Newport International Sports Village. This is a hugely successful programme with almost a 100 women and girls participating every week. Prior to this women in the local community had never gone swimming before
General Wellbeing and Mental Health Support Sessions
Twice a week we run these sessions where we have over 50 participants who attend. These sessions are run across Newport and provide an excellent platform for all to engage and integrate with each other.
Health Promotion
With all our projects we try to have a health promotion element to it. We work closely with Anuerin Bevan University Health Board and other partners to work collaboratively to deliver important health related messages.

IT Projects
Some of our service users are struggling due to language barrier issues and living in low income households, but not having any IT skills is adding to their problems. Basic IT skills is essential in this day and age and can deprive families from basic services and support. We are working in partnership with Newport City Council and other partners to deliver bespoke IT support classes for our service users. These sessions have been successful and have helped many to learn how to navigate a laptop.

Training & Upskilling Services
Paediatric First Aid Level 3 Training
We ran three successful sessions during this year with a total of 30 participants attending. For some of our participants this is the first time they have done any course or achieved any certificates. Some parents have children with health related issues and really felt the training has benefitted them and prepared them for emergencies.
CV Writing
Working in partnership with Volunteering Wales we have been able to teach some of our service users with CV writing skills. We will continue with this partnership working for existing and new service users.
How to report Domestic Abuse in relationship.
Our staff have had in depth training in supporting adults who are in domestic abuse relationships. We provide 1 to 1 support for victims of domestic abuse and have successfully referred clients to BAWSO who are a specialist organisation for women in domestic abuse. We also provide support to victims after they have been resettled and help them with restarting their life.